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学术报告二十六:惠苍—Measuring multi-site species turnover using zeta diversity

B·体育(中国)官方网站:2018-11-08 作者: 点击数:




工作单位:Stellenbosch University



惠苍,南非斯坦陵布什大学教授,系南非数学与理论物理生物科学首席科学家,入侵生物学杰出研究中心核心成员。惠苍教授研究领域包括生物多样性模式,生态网络复杂性以及网络上的进化动态,入侵生态学等相关研究,并在该领域做出了杰出工作,发表高质量论文200余篇,其中多篇论文发在PNAS,Nature Communications, Global Change Biology, Ecology Letters等Top期刊,出版《Invasion dynamics》等著作,并获得多项南非国家研究基金项目支助。他目前担任Biological Invasions, Ecological Complexity, BMC Ecology等多个高质量杂志副主编/编辑委员。


Species diversity patterns, such as the species-area curve, endemics-area relationship, occupancy frequency distribution, reflect the scale-dependence of species turnover. Measures of spatial turnover in the compositional similarity or difference between assemblages are commonly based on beta diversity which was originally derived for pairwise comparisons of individual assemblages. However, pairwise metrics are not entirely adequate for depicting compositional similarity across multiple assemblages. To exploit resources while mitigating conflicts, species often partition available habitats, forming co-distribution patterns of association or dissociation. Null models based on permutation or neutral/niche processes have been widely applied for detecting signals of bio-interactions from co-occurrence patterns. However, co-occurrence is scale dependent and should be used with caution for inferring biotic interactions or processes.

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